Monday, July 7, 2008

Today i will continue for the workshop tools
Cutting Tool (Metalwork)
Hacksaw: It is used for cutting rods, bars and pipes into desired length.

Abrafile: It is used to cut curves in thin piece of wood, metals and plastics.

Cold chisels are used for cutting heavy metal that cannot be sawed with a hacksaw or cut with shears.
The more common types of cold chisels used in metalwork: the flat, crosscut or cape, round-nose or half-round, and diamond-pointed chisels. Chisels can be sharpened by grinding.

The flat chisel is most widely used and has a place in every workshop or tool kit.This chisel can be used for cutting rods, bars or sheet metal

Files: File is a hand tool used to smoothen or fit metal parts. It is made of high carbon steel. Its teeth remove fine chips of material on the forward stroke of the file.

File card: A File card is a brush with metal bristles, used to clean the cutting grooves in a file

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:58 AM|

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